• Samsung Group, a multi-national South Korean manufacturing conglomerate, is located in Samsung Town, Seoul. It is the third-largest South Korean financial institution and the second-largest mobile manufacturer in the world. It has the seventh-highest financial brand value as of today. It is a leading brand in electronic merchandise and mobile phones. It has established a strong presence in the global electronics market with its extensive range of products. It offers a large selection of smartphones and other mobile products, but also has entered the global market for TVs, home appliances and wearables as well as IT solutions.





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  • Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational telecommunications, information technology and consumer electronics company founded in 1865. Nokia's original headquarters are located in Espoo, Finland, in the Helsinki metropolitan area, but the true origins of the company are in the Tampere area of Piranmaa. In this area, Nokia has its largest production base, with a plant for automotive parts, as well as a plant for semiconductor production. Nokia also has its manufacturing facility in Miejscia, the former Yugoslavia, as well as factories and facilities in China. The majority of Nokia's current products are developed and manufactured in Finland.

    Nokia Corporation


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  • Apple Inc., an American technology company that is multi-billionaire, specializes in consumer electronics and networking services. Apple is the largest technology company in the world by market share, and the most valuable business in dollars as of January 2011. The iPod is its primary product. This multimedia device combines music and video and has been a hugely popular electronic gadget. There is also a line compatible with the Mac operating systems.

    Apple Inc.


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  • Sony is a leading manufacturer of cell phones. Sony software products products can be used on smart phones, PDAs and digital cameras as well as televisions, music players, and other electronic devices. Sony creates its own processors that store data and provide an interface to the cell phone. This company has been making digital cameras for years. It also produces appliances like camcorders, printers, and other digital camera products.



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  •  XIAOMI Corporation

    XIAOMI Corporation (also known as Xiaomi Inc) is a Chinese electronics company based in Asia. It is based out Beijing. Xiaomi develops and produces high-quality electronics, including mobile apps, smartphones, handbags and accessories for mobile phones. They produce great devices that will sell well and be loved by the masses. These gadgets are a great example of innovation and technology.

    The Mi Pad is one example of their amazing products. This amazing device is a Chinese invention that became very popular quickly due to its unique functions and features. It boasts a powerful processor and a large display. These are all top-quality gadgets made by Xiaomi.

    XIAOMI Corporation


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